In 2024 KulturGutRetter volunteers will be trained the first time to assist in disaster situations worldwide with the Cultural Heritage Response Unit (CHRU). These days the training of the cultural heritage experts begins.
More than 100 volunteers from all over Germany have registered to apply for the expert profiles in the areas of mobile or immovable cultural heritage: documentation, damage assessment, conservation, rescue or IT. In the future, the volunteers want to be part of the Cultural Heritage Response Unit (CHRU) of the KulturGutRetter project, in order to contribute to the emergency protection of cultural heritage in the framework of international operations. The KulturGutRetter was funded by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) and the Leibniz Centre for Archeology (LEIZA). The CHRU is to be deployed to disaster sites at the request of an affected country, under the direction of the THW, to protect tangible cultural heritage that has been damaged or threatened from further destruction immediately after the life-saving phase. In this way, for example, museums, archives or libraries affected by earthquakes, fires or floods can be supported in the future, and the inventory can be saved and emergency supplies provided.
Online training of KulturGutRetter volunteers and THW staff
A prerequisite for the admission of volunteers to the CHRU was the appropriate expertise and willingness to participate in further training, exercises and future international operations. More than 100 experts were included in the volunteer pool during this year’s selection process. Together with the THW’s voluntees, the cultural property professionals are now being trained in various relevant themes of cultural goods. In May 2024, online training will begin using the learning platform iDAI.tutorials and content provided by the DAI, in which professionals in conservation, architecture, construction research, crafts, archaeology and IT can continue their training. In the e-Learnings and webinars, the volunteers get acquainted with the equipment, standards and workflows of the Cultural Heritage Response Unit.

Practical training of specialists for cultural goods protection
In a practical training part at the end of June, the volunteers and THW volonteers will train on topics such as instruction in the installation and the use of the mobile emergency conservation laboratory, the handling of operational hardware and software, standard procedures, safety regulations and disaster protection. The training is directed by professionals from DAI and LEIZA as well as staff from THW. The volunteers can apply the lessons learned for the first time in a fictional disaster scenario during a exercise in September this year. Starting next year, more volunteers will be able to apply. Application through the THW is possible throughout the year in the respective local associations.
KulturGutRetter enter pilot phase
The pilot phase for the KulturGutRetter project begins with the qualification of the volunteers and THW staff. The KulturGutRetter partners aim to ensure that the Cultural Heritage Response Unit (CHRU) is ready for use by 2025. Embedded in the European Disaster Mechanism UCPM, the module could contribute to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage worldwide in the future. The project is supported by the Foreign Office and the German Bundestag.
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